Saturday, January 5, 2013

The House That Never Sleeps

A conversation between Derek and I, as we continue to struggle with sleeping issues. Last night, it was Ella, who we found sleeping between us and waking us up at 5AM.

"We need to make sure Ella doesn't crawl into bed until the morning. Like...7:00."
"I agree."
"No, seriously."
"I know. I agree with you."
"Then why did you let her sleep in our bed in the middle of the night?"
"I didn't! I noticed her when she woke us up telling us she needs to go potty."
"That's when I found her. Are you sure you didn't tell her she could climb up?"
"I'm positive. She must've crawled up from the bottom of the bed."
"Does it alarm you that neither of us woke up to a third person in our bed?"


  1. It is a little alarming that neither of you noticed but is completely understandable! Very tired parents could probably sleep through almost anything...
    ...or maybe she is going to be very good at being sneaky:)
