Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ahhh, spring. Loving the pretty trees and flowers...hating the allergies that only seem to come during my pregnancies.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

An Afternoon on the Boat

Ella got to go on a boat ride in Grandpa Mike's new boat today! It was the first day the boat has been taken out. Being unfamiliar to the boat, the lake, the traffic, and noise, etc... we knew Ella would not be one to embrace it with open say the least.  Our brave little toaster was pretty hesitant at first, but she eventually warmed up to it and was soon full of smiles.

Later tonight, I asked her if she had fun on Grandpa's boat. Her response?

"Yeah, I liked boat. Not scary. Just water. Just duckies. Just cheetos!"


Some pics of the new boat!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Let There Be Food

A bowl of cheese
Half of my orange
A cup of Milk
A plate of enchilada and chips
3 bowls of corn flakes! (requested after supper)
A cup of Apple Juice

This is what Ella ate between the hours of 4:30 and 7 last night. I don’t claim to know a lot about parenting…but either she is going through a growth spurt or she is finally catching up on her eating from the stomach bug she has had on and off for the past 2 weeks. Her mood went from uncontrollably ornery to super happy as she gobbled it up! We couldn't believe our eyes.

Come On

"Come On!"

~The yelling I hear coming from the living room as Ella is trying to get an old, useless remote to work on our TV.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's been a couple rough of days in this house.

Things that make my toddler grumpy
Loud noises outside (motorcycles, trucks, trains, etc)
Waiting for supper
Waking up early
Not having socks on 24/7

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Daylight Savings Time

I have been dreading this week... the week where we "spring forward" and move our clocks up an hour. Why? All I could do was foreshadow Ella having a rough time going to sleep at the new "8:00."

Reality: Ella has BARELY made it to her bedtime 5 nights in a row. She has been outside every night... seeing neighbors, having family stop over, playing on the swing set, digging in the sandbox, etc. One night she told me she was tired at 6:30! I guess you could say she's been playing hard. :)

We are LOVING the extra hours of daylight!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


(Today, as I sat next to Ella who was just waking up from a nap):

Ella: "Santa comin!"

I can only imagine what she was dreaming about minutes prior....

Fontana Park

Yesterday, we took Ella to Fontana Park where they have animals on display. The bear was Ella's favorite, who we visited multiple times. The deer and buffalo were also a hit since they came up to the fence!

Easily Amused

Derek and I are easily amused giving Ella an outfit and telling her to get dressed. You just never know how she will look when she's finished!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Give an Inch, Take a Mile

Ella: "I want a cupcake!"
Derek: "Were you good today? Did you share?"
Ella: "Yeah, I good. I share."
Derek: "Ok, you can have the cupcake because you were a good girl today."
Ella: "I want a birthday party!"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Singing Sensation

"Ella do you wanna go on a walk?"

"Yeah, I wanna sing songs on a walk!"

"...That's not what I asked.....but ok...."

Ella will soon be known as the singing sensation around town. :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Ella's Favorites at 2 1/2 Years:

Movie/TV Show: Barney
Color: Green
Bedtime book: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
Games: Wooden puzzles (play-doh is a close second)
Song: "Happy Birthday"
Breakfast: Bacon or muffins
Meal: Spagetti or tomato soup
Snack:  Popcorn
Chore: Vaccuuming (with her miniture vaccuum)

On any given day: Ella can be found putting her dollies to bed or lecturing them in time-out!

28 weeks

On Friday, I received my first voicemail that said, "You're not answering your phone. I hope that doesn't mean you're at the hospital having that baby!" I don't antiicpate having the baby anytime soon, considering that tomorrow is the first "official" day of my third trimester. But it did make me smile and it is a little encouraging to know that we are getting closer!


If there was an award for "Most Patient Husband," Derek has definitely earned it this weekend! It has been a very busy one.

Yesterday, we went to Des Moines to do some shopping. He drove us all day, let me sleep both there and back, waited patiently while I browsed baby departments, carried items for me, and made several pits stops for restroom breaks. He even prepared a list of store addresses that he surprised me with that would take us to consignment shops, one of my favorite things to do!

It was a wonderful day and trip!