Monday, February 17, 2014

To Make Matters Worse

There has been a long drawn out saga on Erin's healthcare. She was sick a lot over the summer and fall and we weren't happy with the care we were getting at the family doctor so we switched to a new Pediatrician. It's not that I think Erin's health is much different than a normal toddler, but I can only pay so many copays for them to tell us "it's viral and there's nothing they can do."  Erin was on nebulizer treatments alot and it never seemed to go away completely. The last straw was when I went there feeling completely miserable. I was in tears when I left because the doctor had no concern and wrote on a piece of paper "sucrets" to help with my relief. (As if I couldn't remember cough drops at the drug store without the note).  I had some words for the doctor that day and left very angry. Two days later, my strep test came back positive and I was furious. Fast forward two months, and we've all been happy with our new Pediatrician for Erin.

On TUESDAY, Erin caught our cold and just wasn't quite herself so we took her in. She was diagnosed with an ear infection and was back to herself within a day. The good news was that we've really started to love the care she received at her pediatrician's office and always seem to get results there. She was always on call and willing to write us a prescription when necessary.

The bad news is that on FRIDAY, we received a letter in the mail that the office is closing. Effective February 14 (Friday). ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I can understand sending the letter, but Derek was in there on Tuesday and never once was it mentioned that they were closing. So now I'm back to square one.

1 comment:

  1. I feel for you. :( Fingers crossed that you find a good replacement!
