Monday, April 29, 2013

When It Rains, It Hails

It was discovered last week that my car would be out of commission for several days in order to put a new transmission in it. Yikes. Unfortunately, this event has led me to drive Derek's truck for a few days which I am not cut out for! To top that expense,  we had a hail storm at work today in Cedar Falls which caused some visible dents in his pride and joy. Derek was not a happy camper when I shared the news! Last month's theme seemed to be vet bills, and this months theme is car repair!

Today's Everyday Photo

The title of this one is: "In case you're wondering why I dont answer my phone between 7 and 7:30pm..."

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Derek's Progress

Ahh.......... is there anything better than grabbing a drink, opening the patio door to a summery breeze, and kicking back on the deck?!?! Wait a second. Where'd our deck go?

We have officially begun our rather large home project of replacing our deck and adding a small bathroom onto our main floor.

Stage 1: Remove the Deck
Stage 2: Contractors willl begin building the "shell" to our bathroom later in the week
Stage 3: Derek will build our new deck
Stage 4: We'll finish the inside of our bathroom


Stage 1

Everyday photo: Our little construction worker helped her Daddy with the deck. She took a brief break to go on the slide, with her safety glasses and gloves still on.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Parenting Advice

Once in awhile I learn a thing or two about how to handle a toddler. For example... sometimes they ask  for something they KNOW youll say "no" to, just to have a meltdown. Its usually something completely unreasonable, too, if theyre really fired up. That is exactly what happened at bedtime last night. We had three nights in a row where Ella pitched a fit until she got her way from bawling and almost waking up Erin. This time , I was ready for war!

Ella: (whining in bed) "Im hotttttt! i dont want jammies. can i sleep naked?"

Me "yep! Thats fine!"

Ella: "what?"

Me: "i dont care! Do what u want."

Argument over. And of course she didnt actually do it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mommy Needs a Timeout

Not exactly the  best day of the year, but I'm sure I'll laugh at it one day!

Derek and I both woke up ill. He decided to work from home, and I went in to work late. I got myself ready while he watched the girls on the main floor.
I walked down the steps and was greeted by my littlest monkey who was delighted to see me. I scooped her up and she gave me a big hug. Suddenly, I felt funny. Wet. No....GOOEY. I peeled her off of me and set her down. My black sweater was covered in goo. I questioned what she had gotten into, to which Derek replied, "I dont know, maybe the cat bowl (water)?" I scraped it off my sweater and headed for the kitchen to find breakfast. 

Not even a step in the kitchen and there it was. An entire bowl of rice krispies and milk EVERYWHERE. On the floor, the chair, the table and the mini-fridge. Erin had reached Ella's bowl and dumped it everywhere. "Ooooohhhhh Lord."  I notified Derek where the crime scene was and began to pour Ella a new bowl of cereal.
Ella and I sat down and Derek decided to plop Erin in the high chair while we ate so she could be contained while he worked at his computer. He poured her about 72 dry cheerios to chew on. Only a minute or two went by when I finally started to pay attention. She was throwing all of her cheerios on the floor. Not throwing, lassoing like a cowboy. And it was all intentional. And giggling hysterically. All. 72. of. them.
We packed the girls up, ignored the mess, and I dropped them off as I headed to work. I couldn't take the craziness anymore.  It was a wild day, but went quick. On my way home, the car broke down! I had to call Derek to pick me up. Fortunately, it made it to the mechanic.

I'm ready to turn the page on this day!

Everyday photo #3: Big Sissy and Peanut taking a stroll (note Erin's beloved plastic Easter egg, one of her favorite toys)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Photo Op

As much as I enjoy taking pictures of my kids, I am terrible at developing them, sharing them, and organizing them. Most of my issues probably stem from lack of time/energy/follow-through, I guess.

However, I am also terrible at getting pictures of my kids in their natural element... not posing and smiling, not all dolled up for a holiday, not ones that will win "cutest kids award"... but actually documenting our every day moments instead. So... I am challenging myself to take more "spontaneous" pictures. Specifically, moments that might not seem worth documenting right now, but I'll probably treasure when they grow out of that stage.

Tonight was my first try, Erin drinking her bedtime bottle.

Big Girl Bed

It's been a topic for a few months now, but Ella has been hinting at the question of whether she's outgrowing her toddler bed. Size wise, she fits great. However, she has started to outgrow her fleece tie blankets that she's slept with since the beginning of time. The last two weeks, she has made a habit to wake us up in the middle of the night to "fix her blankets" (tuck her back in again).

Today, Derek made it happen! We so gratefully accepted a mattress from Brian and Steph, and got to work. Derek crafted up a wonderful bed frame, while I took Ella on a comforter shopping spree. Ella helped me paint it this afternoon, and tonight it all came together! We love it.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Erin - 11 months

Today, our little Peanut is 11 months old!  I can't believe how fast this year is going. Here is how Er-Bear is doing:
  • Food: Still on formula, drinks water/juice/milk, eats everything except hard/sharp foods and spicy foods
  • Favorite food: Fruit, crackers, raspberry jam on toast.
  • Typical night's sleep: Bedtime around  7:30,  up at 6:30. Still wakes up wanting her paci every couple of nights.   
  • Favorite Activities: Bath time, unrolling toilet paper, climbing up steps, chasing the cat, climbing through our inflatable tunnel, and scooting around the house in her walker.
  • Clothes: Moving into 24 mo. shirts, still in 18 mo pants.
  • Words: Baba, Dada, Mama, Ella, Lala
  • Nicknames: Peanut, Er-Bear
  • Weight: 23 lbs
  • Teeth: 8 (#7 and #8 came in two days ago!) 
  • Personality: So, so sweet and always giving "snuggles" and kisses. VERY curious and determined to get into everything. Nothing will stop her! She has such a sweet giggle and absolutely adores "Sissy." Still our little "concerned citizen." Very mild tempered and content as long as her belly is full. Always such a happy little ray of sunshine when she wakes up.
  • Favorite Traits: Her thick little legs and her dimple 
  • Newest discoveries:  Can and WILL climb up, onto, into, under, through, around, and over EVERYTHING. Knows how to wiggle from side to side to get everyone laughing at her (such an entertainer). Stands independently for up to 15 seconds. Took one step forward tonight but not quite walking yet. Beginning to love the park just like Ellers. Has always been in love with shoes and shiny jewelry, from 3 mos +. 


Ella is absolutely terrified at all of the thunder lately. Not only does she sleep in our room at night when it thunders, but she also panics/shakes/cries when she's awake. Like a lot of other things, it's the sound that scares her.  We tried to prepare her for it this morning, telling her it would thunder... there's nothing we can do to stop it... storms bring rain which the plants drink... it sounds like a chair being pushed across the floor.... nothing eased her mind. I thought about her all day today as it stormed. The baby sitter reported Ella had a terrible day, did not behave well, and barely napped at all. Tonight, she was ornery (tired) and was put in bed early. Derek tried to convince her to wear my stocking cap when it thunders again to "help her ears" and left it by her bed.  Here's to hoping the storms stop soon. :(

Monday, April 15, 2013

Zoning In

Sometimes, there is no greater joy than one-on-one time with each of my kids. Not only are they better behaved in this form, but I always seem to zone in on their new skills/developments as well when its just the two of us.

Friday night, I took Ella to get supper, hair cuts, a little shopping, and ice cream. She was soooo well behaved; I had such a blast listening to her and letting her stay out a little later than usual. Derek stayed home and played with Erin who was soaking up Daddy time!

Tonight, Derek took Ella grocery shopping after supper which she had been looking forward to all day. Erin and I played in her bedroom while I put away mounds of her laundry. We practiced how to stand, how to make animal noises, played with stuffed animals, and giggled on the carpet together.  She is sooooo sweet and funny, and I heard "Ella" ALL night long while her sissy was away!

Early Morning Shenanigans

Derek (leaning over in pain): "Ohhh. My knee hurts."
Ella (grabbing her side): "Ohhh, my sidefoot hurts."
Me (feeding Erin): "Hmm, that sounds questionable."

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The last two nights have been stormy, so our tiny bedroom has been exceeding its maximum capacity. Ella sleeps on our floor and the cat is huddled at the end of our bed. It wouldn't surprise me at all to have Erin move in one of these times, too. To be honest, I can't say I'd mind one big slumber-party. :)

Tonight at bedtime, I watched Ella drag her belongings from our floor back into her bed. Her blankets, her pillow, a cup, and a couple stuffed animals. She let out a big sigh and said so innocently, "I hope it doesn't thunder again tonight." So sweet.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Lovely Weather

We are LOVING this spring weather! Last night we walked all over town. Tonight, it was dry enough that we went to three different parks for the girls to play.

Last summer, our favorite park was about 4 blocks away and full of swings and slides. This year, our preferences have switched. We really enjoy the park at the preschool about 2 blocks from our house. There are still bridges and slides for Ella, but there are two plastic tunnels that Erin can climb through, and Derek and I can wait for her on each end to help her in/out. She is just as happy as a clam!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eyes of a Child

Some days, I wish I could see life through the eyes of a child... where things are always magical and fascinating!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013