Friday proved to be a very rough day. Ella and I had dentist appointments scheduled, and Erin had a check-up appointment. After that, Erin had 3 booster shots and an oral vaccination, and Ella got a flu shot. Then, I would return to work while Derek worked from home the rest of the day. Everything about this was a disaster. There were blowouts. There were a lot of tears. There were tantrums. I even dropped a dozen eggs on our kitchen floor to add to the chaos. It. Was. An. Awful. Morning.
Quite possibly the only thing that kept me going was Ella's humor that day. I like jotting these things down because I just love the humor of a 3 year old! I remember my niece and nephew also being funny at this age.
(Practicing opening our mouths for our dentist appointment)
Me: "Ella, how many teeth do I have?" (opening my mouth)
Ella: "I don't know. I see a tomato!"
Me: "A tomato? I haven't eaten a tomato all day?"
Ella: "It's right there!"
Me: "That's my tongue!"
(On the way to an appointment, I had given Ella tylenol for an unrelated reason)
Me: "Is the tylenol kickin in yet?"
Ella: "No, its not kickin in. We need to kick it."
(On our way to the dentist)
Me: "OK! Here we go! We're on our way to the dentist!"
<I look in the rear view mirror and see Ella staring out the window pondering something for a few minutes>
Ella: "Are there gonna be robots there?"
(In the waiting area, filling out forms)
Me: "What's your name?"
Ella: "Ella!"
Me: "Whats your full name?"
Ella: "Ella Jo!"
Me: "Where do you live?"
Ella: "At Grandma's house."