Monday, October 29, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Too Tired to Think

I'm having a hard time deciding what is more amazing...

The fact that Erin still wants to eat in the middle of the night,
The fact that Erin wakes us up no less than 10 times a night, or
The fact that Erin doesn't seem to sleep during the day, either?

At 5 months old, I have to wonder ........are we raising a zombie?

I really really really hope we make some teething developments. And soon.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Getting Closer with our Last Name

Ella: "I'm not little?!"
Derek: "Nope, you're not little. You're a big girl."
Ella: "Yeah!"
Derek: "And you have a little sister, right?"
Ella: "Yep. Erin. Jo. Luflufson."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Salad Monster

Ella is still going strong with her love for salad. We had a rare opportunity to take the girls out to eat after we got some family pictures done. As a reward, we asked Ella what she wanted for supper. "Salad and purple ice cream!" was her response.

We decided on Olive Garden.  When the waitress arrived with the huge bowl of salad, Ella gasped at the top of her lungs, shrieked with delight, and started dancing in her chair. The waitress thought it was hysterical. Ella had absolutely no interest in my pasta, she had heaping piles of salad and 3 breadsticks.

Since we aren't sure if purple ice cream even exists, she got a little treat on the way home to top off the night.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Erin - 5 Months Old!

  • Favorite Item: Teddy Bear mobile or ceiling fan
  • Favorite Trait: Her giggle is absolutely perfect and contagious!... and her thick little legs!
  • Newest discoveries: Erin is so determined to crawl, although she's not getting anywhere. She is constantly rolling onto her tummy and lifting herself up like she is ready to go! She eats everything - blankets, paper, mom's hair, she'll even grab at your food!
  • A typical night's sleep: Bedtime around 7 or 7:30,  up around 6 (sometimes hungry at 3am)  
  • Currently still being nursed/enjoys one bowl of rice cereal a day.
  • Favorite Activities: Bathtime!! Sitting in her jumper or being pushed around by Sissy in her walker.
  • Nicknames: Peanut, Er-Bear
  • Weight: 17 lbs 14.5 oz (91st percentile)
  • Height 26 ins (83rd percentile)
  • Personality: So, so sweet, loves laying her head on your shoulder. Loves to be talked to/played with. Still our little "concerned citizen." She is so in love with her sister.  

  • Sunday, October 14, 2012

    Toddler Humor

    Friday proved to be a very rough day. Ella and I had dentist appointments scheduled, and Erin had a check-up appointment. After that, Erin had 3 booster shots and an oral vaccination, and Ella got a flu shot. Then, I would return to work while Derek worked from home the rest of the day. Everything about this was a disaster. There were blowouts. There were a lot of tears. There were tantrums. I even dropped a dozen eggs on our kitchen floor to add to the chaos.  It. Was. An. Awful. Morning.

    Quite possibly the only thing that kept me going was Ella's humor that day. I like jotting these things down because I just love the humor of a 3 year old! I remember my niece and nephew also being funny at this age.

    (Practicing opening our mouths for our dentist appointment)
    Me: "Ella, how many teeth do I have?" (opening my mouth)
    Ella: "I don't know. I see a tomato!"
    Me: "A tomato? I haven't eaten a tomato all day?"
    Ella: "It's right there!"
    Me: "That's my tongue!"

    (On the way to an appointment, I had given Ella tylenol for an unrelated reason)
    Me: "Is the tylenol kickin in yet?"
    Ella: "No, its not kickin in. We need to kick it."

    (On our way to the dentist)
    Me: "OK! Here we go! We're on our way to the dentist!"
    <I look in the rear view mirror and see Ella staring out the window pondering something for a few minutes>
    Ella: "Are there gonna be robots there?"

    (In the waiting area, filling out forms)
    Me: "What's your name?"
    Ella: "Ella!"
    Me: "Whats your full name?"
    Ella: "Ella Jo!"
    Me: "Where do you live?"
    Ella: "At Grandma's house."

    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    Teething Away

    Ella (wrapped in a blanket eating cereal at her princess table): "Ahhhh! Dont eat my red blanket!"
    Erin (on the floor): *Nom nom nom* (happily gnawing away)
    Me: "It's okay, she's just playing with it."
    Ella: "No! She can't eat my blanket!"

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    Weather Woes

    How is it possible that 2 days ago I was enjoying 90 degree weather and tonight it is literally HALF that temp and I'm bundling the girlies in winter gear to go for a walk?!

    I am trying to fight the winter blues....

    Vacation Recap

    Derek and I enjoyed a very fun trip to Las Vegas this past weekend to celebrate our 5 year anniversary. There was an endlist list of places to visit. We did not gamble much, there were too many sights to see!!

    Ten things we've learned from Vegas:
    1. An airport pat-down isn't so bad.
    2. A 10 year old hair straightener will not be operational after a flight to Vegas.
    3. Hotels now put sensors in their mini bar that will charge you for any item you pick up. Watch out!
    4. For two people who typically go to bed between 8-9 PM, we can still hang like the good ole days! We made it out until 1am & 2am (Vegas Time)!
    5. Hoover Dam is stunning.
    6. Garth Brooks is a fantastic performer. He impressed us in many ways... his singing, his comedy, the fact that he didn't have a band (just him and his guitar), his ability to sing other songs (such as Piano Man and American Pie), the small theater setting that fit only 1500 people! Trisha Yearwood came out and sang, also! Everything about it was wonderful.
    7. Vegas has something for everyone... classy restaurants, fun shops, amazing views of the city, stunning casinos, shows for all walks of life....
    8. You should always give yourself a 5 pound luggage allowance if you're planning to bring back 5 pounds of breastmilk!
    9. Airport security frowns upon saw blades in your carry-on luggage. They will, however, let you through if it's actually a Grandpa-made painted clock with Sesame Street characters.
    10. 5 years of marriage hasn't slowed us down a bit!
    Fun little bartender show we caught!

    I hope this link will take you to the photos!

    Friday, October 5, 2012

    Viva Las Vegas

    Derek and I have safely arrived in Las Vegas for our anniversary getaway! I almost can't believe I'm finding the time to blog while on vacation! A Few Highlights:

    Hotel Room

    Hotel views:
     Fremont Street with Gpa Chuck

    Creepy Living Statue Man

    Pawn Shop from "Pawn Stars"

    This picture is for Ellers :)