Saturday, June 30, 2012

Big Words for a Little Person

As I am in the kitchen, I hear Erin start to cry. I started finishing what I was doing when Ella sprinted in yelling:


Thursday, June 28, 2012


I don't remember Ella being much of a light sleeper. But Erin? She is definitely. She wakes up to any little thing; a cough, a movement, or her sister singing "Happy Birthday" across the house. She already gets pretty fussy when woken up.

It's very hard to keep this house quiet. Since that isn't a good (permanent) solution anyway, it's time to try some other tricks!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Baby Lion

Erin has started really cooing these last few days.  Many times, she sounds like a baby lion! We all get such a chuckle out of her noises.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Baby

Enjoying some time outside before the heat wave....... Such a content little peanut! How will I ever say "no" to this face?!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Doin' the Potty Dance

We are making HUGE strides in potty training. Last week, Derek let Ella buy her own panties, and I started a sticker chart for her on the fridge. That combination has worked WONDERS. Of course she had a couple accidents on those first few days, but she has now gone three days without an accident. She also did wonderful pottying while we were out this weekend at a couple birthday parties! Ella has enjoyed several rewards for each completed sticker chart: ice cream, trips to the library, a toenail polish change.....

This house has gone from about 20 diaper changes a day to about 12 diaper changes and 20 bathroom trips. :)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

1 month weigh-in

Erin weighs 9 lbs. 14 ozs. at one month old! She is a healthy, happy chunk of love.  ♥

She had 1 shot today, which was not well received. It doesn't seem to get any easier watching it with your second child. Poor little peanut.

Silly Thoughts

Ella has been working up quite an imagination these last few weeks. Maybe I just never noticed it until I've been home with her, but she comes up with the strangest things to say!

(Leaving her bedroom and shutting the door behind her) "We don't want the ladybugs to get us, ok?"

(Listening to thunder) "It's not gonna come inside and bite my leg, right?"

(Telling me where a lost item went, such as the pacifier or a puzzle piece) "It fly-ed away!"

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Today, I got several huge smiles out of Erin. My heart just melts every time!

Ella has had a good couple days with potty training. For some reason, Derek is more successful than I am with her. We made a sticker chart for rewards and we hope that keeps the momentum going!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

1 Month!

Erin is one month old today! Time flies!
  • Favorite Item: Teal Pacifier she got from the hospital. Nothing else comes close, right now.
  • Favorite Activities: Afternoon nap with Mommy, Being wrapped up nice and warm, Falling asleep with a full belly
  • Favorite Trait: Her blue eyes
  • A typical night's sleep: Bedtime around 9:30, eat at 1, 4, & 7
  • Weight: Later this week we will have her 1 month checkup and see how she's grown!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pill Popper

Towards the end of my pregnancy and for the first few weeks after delivery, I had about 7 prescriptions of medicine to take. Ella would constantly ask to take my medicine every time she saw me swallow a pill. Each time, we would battle it out; Ella did not understand why I wouldn't share.

I finally recycled an empty medicine bottle and decorated it with My Little Pony stickers. Inside, I put 3 packages of smarties. She loves having her own bottle of medicine! We have not had any arguments since.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Playhouse Update

After a very long break from working on our playhouse/shed in the back yard, we are back in action! Things we have finished this week:
Vinyl flooring is in on the bottom level
Carpet is in on the top level (loft)
Outlet covers attached
Ladder reattached
Two large (used) chalk boards hung, already displaying Ella's artwork
Cute purple valances hung

We'll probably take a break again, but there is still plenty to do: Trim, Windows, Lighting, Railing, and a little painting.

Sweet Moments

A couple of days ago, I witnessed the sweetest moment shared by Ella and Erin. I had Erin laying awake on the floor, and Ella sat next to her chatting away.. As I headed into another room to grab something, I heard Ella start laughing uncontrollably. In between her loud giggles, she kept yelling, "She's smile-la-ling!!!"

Cupcake Quilt made by Nana!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Parenting Two

I am pretty convinced that newborns take every ounce of physical energy you have.
I am also convinced that toddlers take every ounce of mental energy you have.

Good thing they both give me a lot of lovin' to make up for it. :)

Friday, June 8, 2012

First Bath!

This morning, Erin was able to take her first real bath now that her umbilical cord stump is finally gone!! I don't know about Erin, but I've been waiting for this day for three weeks. She loved the nice warm bath. :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Snuggle Time!

This morning, Ella returned to the babysitter's house for the first time since Erin's arrival. She will go there a couple mornings a week for 3-4 hours just to enjoy play time with her buddies, as well as give me some time to either sleep or get some things done around the house. My mom has agreed to drop Ella off on those mornings on her way to work, which is so nice not having to get all 3 of us out of the house!

On the agenda this morning: about 5 loads of laundry and Mommy/Erin time! With a toddler always on the move, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed just sitting and rocking with Erin.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

2 week comparison

I'm looking back at some of Ella's pictures and it is so fun seeing some of the similarities between Ella and Erin. They definitely have different hair and different ears already!

Erin / Ella
Erin / Ella

Ella / Erin

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Besides the lack of sleep, we are all doing well! It is so nice having Derek here on some of our mornings, because when Ella wakes up, they all go downstairs while I try to slide in 2 more hours of sleep.

As I write this, both girlies are asleep for their naps. There are alot of things I could be doing, but instead I'm enjoying my hour of down time in a peaceful house. :)

One of our favorite things about Erin right now is all of the smiles we see as she sleeps. She is such a happy baby.